Libertas Christian School
I recently had the privilege of spending a day at Libertas Christian School. I was there to interview high school students in order to gather data for my dissertation regarding students’ motivation in Bible classes in Christian schools. The students from Libertas stood out compared to their peers at other Christian schools. Every student that I interviewed expressed strong motivation for their Bible classes, but that was not all that stood out. The Libertas students were very aware of the education they are receiving and what it is doing for them. They knew the Bible curriculum, both what came before their current studies and what was coming next. They were able to articulate what it had done for them and their anticipation for future learning. Perhaps more impressively, they articulated a view of their Bible studies in relation to their other subjects that accurately and unselfconsciously reflected a Christian worldview. One of my interview questions asked them to rate the importance of Bible classes relative to their other classes. They expressed the view that, while Bible is most important, all of the subjects are God’s subjects and Christian students will do their best at all of them.
- Received from Timothy C. Rumley, Doctoral Candidate – Grace Christian University
- Received from Timothy C. Rumley, Doctoral Candidate – Grace Christian University
When we were considering a change in our lives, my son heard about Libertas from his cousins. Even though the 1000 mile move would be a big step for us, I prayerfully contacted the school. Without knowing what employment I would find, Bob Davis encouraged us to come to be a part of Libertas. He was instrumental in helping me to take that step of faith.
My son has flourished at Libertas. He says it is different than the public school he attended, because the teachers really care. He was aware that his Christian teachers before were not able to talk about their faith. Since the atmosphere at Libertas is so healthy and welcoming, everyone feels included from the beginning. He has developed healthy friendships and his grades have improved. The sports program has been an amazing motivation in his life. We especially appreciate the exposure to classical education and the fine arts. Through the godly mentors here, I have seen personal growth in my son. It’s exciting to see him becoming more the young teen God wants him to be and to anticipate the future plans God has for him.
Since our move, God has provided me with full time employment in a ministry that has been on my heart for many years. Thank you, Libertas for your faithfulness to the Lord.
- Received from Cindy L., Libertas Parent
My son has flourished at Libertas. He says it is different than the public school he attended, because the teachers really care. He was aware that his Christian teachers before were not able to talk about their faith. Since the atmosphere at Libertas is so healthy and welcoming, everyone feels included from the beginning. He has developed healthy friendships and his grades have improved. The sports program has been an amazing motivation in his life. We especially appreciate the exposure to classical education and the fine arts. Through the godly mentors here, I have seen personal growth in my son. It’s exciting to see him becoming more the young teen God wants him to be and to anticipate the future plans God has for him.
Since our move, God has provided me with full time employment in a ministry that has been on my heart for many years. Thank you, Libertas for your faithfulness to the Lord.
- Received from Cindy L., Libertas Parent